Music and Inspiration

I have no musical talent at all. None. I’m terrible and I know it.

I DO however really enjoy listening to music. I’ve got a range of music in my collection, with just about every genre showing up. If you’re wondering, yes there is rap – some of Eminem’s work is tremendously amusing. I love to listen. I am particularly fond of highly produced pieces – and not live music. Many folks prefer live music, I’d rather listen to the disc.

One composer I particularly enjoy is Eric Whitacre. If you don’t know his work, I hope you go and check it out. Look up his TED talk series and start back at the first or second one. I am always inspired by that – and I’ve watched that talk a dozen times now at least. Here are a couple of links I wanted to share in the hope that you’d be inspired as well.

TED talk:
