Claws and something

Of Claws and Fangs by Faith Hunter

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I picked this book up as a book club selection. I wouldn’t have known about it otherwise.

This collection is aimed at fans of the Jane Yellowrock world. It’s various shorts from various places all pulled into one book. That’s great – if you’ve read all the other stuff. The most challenging part of this book is that the majority of these stories are muted at best if you don’t know all the character back stories, histories or where all this fits into the larger world.

It’s not that this isn’t well written. It’s fast and easy to read. It’s like asking somebody to watch Avengers Endgame without watching any of the other movies. The impact just won’t be there. You don’t have the history. This book is for fans to get all the juicy in between bits, but it really wasn’t for me.

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