Fan Art

I’ve had a couple of posts recently about being a fan and artwork. Turns out those things can come together. Fan Art.

I don’t usually work in other people’s worlds when it comes to writing or art. I’d rather not deal with all the mess that comes along with trying to get permission or paying for rights for use or any of that mess. If I’m making it up, it’s mine.

This time it’s different. There was a call put forward for a fan art contest for the Dresden Files. I’ve always created pictures in my mind when reading so this one was something that struck me as particularly “doable”. I had a concept that popped into my head, but no sketch book or anything else really handy (clearly an error in judgement on my part). I reached for whatever I could find and just made myself a note so I could recall what I had thought later.

Not what I would call art...
Original Note

It’s not amazing art – it’s note taking. It’s getting the essence of what I was trying to remember so I could go back and get after it again later. It did what it needed to do.

I’ll share the entries I created after the contest is done. I don’t want to mess up whatever chance I might have by publishing something before it has had a chance to get into the judging.

I’d say ‘fingers crossed’ but it’s really hard to type that way!