Green Knights

I lament the challenges I see with Hollyweird productions on here quite frequently. Last year I posted up a list of my top ten favorite fantasy movies. Number 9 on that list is a movie from 1984 called Sword of the Valiant starring Sean Connery (among many others of note). The movie is the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

Today, I saw the trailer for the “Gorgeously Dark Fantasy Epic” Green Knight… about new movie about Sir Gawain and the Green knight… The trailer is available here:

This feels to me like yet another example of “Oh, that looks like it could be a cool movie but we’re going to make it really dark and moody and…”

And I’m so tired of hearing that sort of thing. It’s another Arthurian remake. Granted, it’s a lesser known one, but still a remake. I AM actually interested to see what they do with it. There’s a lot of potential in the story. I fear that it will get a treatment similar to what happened to the Hobbit, but perhaps there’s hope? Modern special effects will be fantastic for a lot of things that flatly didn’t hold up well over the years. A great deal of my love for Sword of the Valiant is nostalgic I think. I hope this new movie doesn’t over do it. The very best special effects are the ones you don’t notice. Practical effects really do look better when it’s a viable option. The trailer looks like the scenes are physically dark. I understand that could be part of the mood, but we really need to get past this aesthetic where you can’t actually see what’s happening on the screen in order to portray mood. Dark, we get it. Light the damn scene so we can see the actors at their work.

A remake. Arthurian legend. Again. I will go and see this one in the theater (probably). It’s fantasy and I want to encourage more of that. I don’t have a ton of hope, but I have a little. Let’s hope they really pull this one off.