Harsh Mistress

The Moon Is a Harsh MistressThe Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a selection for a local book group. I’m glad it was picked.

I’ve read other works by the author but never this one. I had no idea what to expect, no preconceived notions with regard to the story. My “notions” were all related to the author himself.

I was pleasantly surprised by this book. Yes, there are a number of anachronistic things in the book. It was published more than 50 years ago – of course some of the devices and gear won’t look “new”.

The thing that struck me most was the number of ideas at play in there. Little things that amounted to “throw away” bits in the book. The main character is dealing with a computer that has become self aware. The main character then considers his interactions with the machine not just as a person to a tool, but takes into account the “feelings” of the machine, at one point mentioning that he doesn’t want it to become suicidal. This in an age that still thought the computer needed to be a room sized thing with tubes. Like I said – ideas.

There are lots of good things to chat about in here. It’s a classic that is worth picking up and checking out.

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