No Peace

Peace Talks by Jim Butcher

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As with so many of Mr. Butcher’s books, I read this very quickly. I think I was actually finished within the first day or two after buying it.

It’s been a long wait to get here. I jumped in and went along for the ride with Harry. I kind of expected things to fit a certain mold that I could see for him. He’d be trying to have a regular day, something would go wrong. Harry would say something that wouldn’t sit right with someone or something powerful. He’d then doggedly keep pushing forward while finding no help and no resources while stretching himself nearly to the end of all his resources…

And we sort of got that? And then.

And then the author did something that any truly excellent author will do – sets your expectations out on their collective ears and does something that makes you say, “Oh, wow… did not expect that”. I will not spoil any of the plot points here. If you’re on board with Harry at book 16 you’re on for the whole ride.

Go, read this. Then wait with the rest of us for September and the next book so we can find out what happens!

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