Something new

I don’t get enough traffic here to try to come up with something clever and click-baity. Part of the reason my posts have been fewer and farther between these days is that I’m working on a couple of new things.

First – I have started writing more. Writing there, means less writing here.

Second – I’m going to try to add a couple of bits to this page. I’m not into computer programing or whatever language the web kids are using right now to code pages. I’m not interested in being the person to do any of that stuff. I AM however going to try to get some new content via a YouTube channel that I’m creating.

Yes, talking and story telling via video tend to go a lot faster than I can type. I also want to connect up my tabletop RPG habit with this site, sort of creating an entire thing for myself.

We’ll see how it goes. There’s a lot of work to do between here and there.