The ever present “I’m Back” post…

It happens to bloggers all the time. “Hey, I’m back!” because real life has a way of stamping down on free writing and laying out words with no real return. I have no doubt that I’ll be back here for a bit and then real life will come crashing in again and make a hash of things. It’s happened an awful lot over the years. I don’t apologize for it anymore. It happens.

I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. I’ve posted before about the slump I hit at the end of last year. It’s been a struggle to get past that. I think I’m doing it. I’ve got 2 stories out for consideration right now and a third, based on an invitation I received, is due in this week. The writing is moving along.

Reading is making a comeback too. It has been more of a struggle to stay invested in the work of others than ever before, but I’ve found a couple of things worth reading.

I’ve also picked up a few shows and taken the time to watch them. I have to say that Netflix has figured out the formula. I can watch when my schedule permits and otherwise just ignore the TV. It’s not easy to just ignore an addiction. Breaking the habit is hard to do. To that end I have dropped all but the most basic television connection. I keep the most basic just to allow better reception of local channels (PBS in particular) and have watched maybe one show in the past month via scheduled broadcast. The funny thing is ā€“ I don’t even have to do that. The show I watch has all their episodes posted on line. It’s just something of a routine when a lazy Saturday morning happens to come about.

In generally getting things back in order and attempting to catch up with everything I’ve gone slack on I’m also going to attempt to get things around the old Pretend Blog into better shape. I know the six of you that read here will be thrilled.

Next up ā€“ catching up on my book reviews and Goodreads posts. After that – I should really update the part where I promote myself better!