Necrenomi… notebook

Klaatu, Varada… neck tie.

Army of Darkness still makes me laugh. Faking the words of the ceremony was hilarious. “OK then. That’s it… I said the words, I did!”.

There’s a very small YouTube channel out there called ‘Worlds of Waynecraft”. I stumbled onto the page when I was wandering through videos one day and discovered this fun looking craft. Make YOUR notebook look like the Necronomicon. It’s really a lot easier than I thought it might have been.

I started off by drawing the rough face outline onto the cover of the blank notebook I was setting up.

Freehanded a face!

Once the lines were in place where I liked them it was time for the hot glue.

Hot glue… keyword is still HOT.

I used two or three layers over each line to give some emphasis to where the main portion of the face would be. I forgot to photograph the next bit. Essentially mix up a half and half water and glue wash ( I used regular old school glue) and tap layers of tissue paper over the entire page. Don’t worry about being neat – you’re looking for wrinkles.

Once I was happy with the look I had to let it dry. It took forever… and I’m not patient. As soon as it was even close to dry enough, I took a slightly thinned layer of black acrylic paint over the whole thing.

Once that dried (OMG FOREVER) I mixed up some brown, red and flesh color to paint over the black. I could be pretty loose with the whole thing because if any of the black showed through it wouldn’t be a big deal.

Craft paint!

Let it dry again, then dry brushed a light tan / fleshy mix over the high points and the wrinkles. Once that was dry, a light black wash to get some shadows back in the eyes and other places. I am actually pretty happy with the results.

Ready for notes!

Taking some words from an inspirational friend of mine, “Despite everything, create.”