That Gap – Health Stuff

I’ve cut and pasted a few words that I posted directly to Failbook about a month ago. I don’t like how that bit of social media works, and I like less that they ‘own’ it all. My creativity energy has been very low lately ~ but there has been a lot going on. We’ve reached a point of relative stability since this was originally written, but now the anxiety is ramping up as we wait to consult with a doctor about next steps. We will continue on, much as we have for many years now. At some point, hopefully, we’ll get back to a point where I can create more.

Long post incoming – things have been a bit out of order here.

This past Wednesday (9th) my wife had a stroke.

She and I have been through a huge amount of health stuff together, but this is different. It was far more scary than any previous medical issue we’ve dealt with by a very wide margin. I have communicated with a few folks, but I’m still catching up with a number of things.

Beck is in the hospital now and may be there until next week – we’re just not sure right now. We don’t have any solid answers. The *very* good news is She seems to be recovering. There are many medical questions to be answered. There are 14+ tests I’ve heard today (I think) that are in process. She’s had a CT scan, an MRI and a spinal tap (yes – it went to 11).

I had a lot of other stuff to say, but I figure this kind of news bomb is probably enough. We are holding up. This is what we do. YES – we did a zoom with the kiddo this morning. NO – she is not coming home right now. She is staying where she’s at for the rest of the program as far as we know. She has lived with this kind of thing all her life. As soon as the camera came on she said, “I recognize those curtains… that’s the hospital. I was wondering what this call was about”. Smart kid. It was important to us to be transparent and honest with her about stuff, so that part is all good. Logistics are moving, but communications is harder to get to. Apologies for the delay in updates, but you know, hospital and all that…More posts to follow as information pops up.